Cali's Corner: Who Rescued Who?

May is a very special month for us, because May is the month when we adopted Cali! Pretty early into quarantine, my 14 year old son Jack and I started talking about getting a puppy. My husband was vehemently opposed, and rightly so. Pre-COVID, we both worked long days away from the house, and even with the help of doggie day care and our amazing dog walker, we could never manage a puppy with our schedules. Plus we loved to travel and took every opportunity to get away for any amount of time.

But now … being home all day, every day seemed like the perfect opportunity to adopt a puppy and have at least a few weeks at home to spend with it and train it before we had to go back to work. (Little did we know we actually had months and months ahead of us working from home).

So, we started looking, and realized that we weren’t the only ones with this idea. There was a MAJOR puppy inventory shortage - one that rivals the housing shortage we are currently in. I searched endless rescue websites and fell in love with dog after dog, only to be heartbroken to find out that my most recent love had already been adopted. (I imagine this is what buyers looking for homes in this market feel like right now). I filled out a dozen applications, and found myself obsessively searching rescue websites to see if any new puppies had been uploaded into the system. Finally, one night in early May as I was getting in bed I went back through my checklist of rescues and stumbled across this sweet girl:

Jennifer Fly Real Estate Cali's Corner

She had just been uploaded to the 2 Blondes All Breeds Rescue site. 2 Blondes All Breeds is a non-profit dog rescue in Denver dedicating to rescuing dogs from overpopulated, high-kill shelters. As a non-breed-specific rescue, they take in a variety of purebred and mixed breed dogs.

On Mother’s Day, of all days, I received a message that a Foster Mom in Evergreen (my hometowns, so obviously meant to be) had a mama dog and her six puppies, who had recently been rescued from Houston. And on May 23rd, Cali came home.

Through a really hard year with so many challenges, she was the bright spot - making us laugh and bringing us comfort. Without a doubt she rescued us just as much as we rescued her.

Cali Gotcha Day

There are so many incredible animal shelters and rescue organizations around the Denver/Boulder area. Here are a few of our favorites:

Humane Society of Boulder Valley

Brighter Days Dog Rescue

Mother Gaia Animal Rescue

Farfel’s Farm and Dog Rescue

Denver Dumb Friend’s League

Soul Dog Rescue

And here are Ten Reasons to Adopt a Shelter Dog from the ASPCA.