Fall Home Maintenance Checklist
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What an incredible fall season we are having in Colorado! Whether you’re buying, selling, or staying, staying on top of your fall home maintenance is not only recommended to keep your home healthy for the upcoming season, but it also ensures your home doesn’t end up having major problems in the future.
1. Freshen Your Filters
Furnace filters trap dust that would otherwise be deposited on your furniture, woodwork, and so on. It’s important to replace them regularly to make your unit fully functional and not drastically raise your utility bills.
2. Clean Up Your Fireplace
Even if you only use your fireplace once in a while, check to make
sure there are no blockages like creosote or mysterious birds’ nests.
Getting the chimney fully inspected and cleaned by a professional is
a good route to take in your fall home maintenance.
3. Keep The Humidifier Humming
Dry winter air is not the best for your health, but did you also know
it can make fine wood crack more easily? You and your home will
feel more comfortable if you keep your central humidifier in tip-top
shape during the months it is running. If necessary, clean the plates
or pads in a strong laundry detergent solution. Rinse and scrape off
mineral deposits with a wire brush or steel wool.
4. Get On Top Of Roof Problems
Inspect your roof from top to bottom, using binoculars if necessary.
Check ridge shingles for cracks and wind damage. Look for damage
to metal flashing in valleys and around vents and chimneys. Scan
the roof for missing, misshapen, or damaged shingles. Look in your
gutters for accumulations of granules, a sign that your roof is losing
its coating; expect problems soon. Finally, make sure your gutters
are flowing normally.
5. Review Safety Features
At least once a year, it’s a good idea to do a top-to-bottom review
of your home’s safety features. This is also a good time to get the
family together for a review of your fire prevention plan by checking
on the smoke detectors and fire extinguishers. This is also a good
time to develop a fire escape plan and rid your home of too many
flammable items.